Rock Steady Boxing - History and Info
Founded in 2006 in Indianapolis, Indiana
Rock Steady’s founder was diagnosed at 39. He discovered that training like a boxer lessened his Parkinson’s symptoms.
The program helps people at ALL stages of the disease.
Word spread quickly of the success of the program, and people from all over the world began to call Rock Steady in Indianapolis asking for help. In 2012, the “Affiliate” program was created with the goal of spreading our message of hope through boxing style training for people with Parkinson’s internationally.
Current Affiliate Numbers: 820 total affiliates; in all 50 U.S. states, 15 countries, and 6 continents
Rock Steady now has over 820 gyms all over the world helping people with Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive, degenerative neurological disease that has no cure.
For some unknown reason, the brain begins a decline in production of a neurotransmitter called “dopamine” which is responsible for brain-to-muscle communication. The result is a loss of muscle control.When a person is diagnosed with Parkinson’s they have usually already lost 70-80% of the normal levels of dopamine.
Exercise is the only treatment that has been medically proven to slow the progression of PD.
Why Boxing?:
Medical studies have shown that medium to high intensity exercise can slow the progression of Parkinson’s.
ESPN ranks boxing as the most intense form of training! (compared to 60 other sports ESPN Boxing #1 Rank )
Boxers train to improve:
Hand-eye coordination
Speed of movement
Muscle power
Mental focus
Workouts are diverse & done at any level:
Rock Steady understands that there are many different levels of Parkinson’s and many levels of fitness. Rock Steady Coaches are trained to modify exercises so that anyone can benefit. There is a FIGHT in all of us.
An assessment is completed with each participant before they join the program so the Coaches can learn about the client. Working with them to find the correct class placement that will work best for them.
Funding for quality of life:
Millions of dollars are allocated each year by Parkinson’s foundation’s to find a cure. While that is a very noble and necessary endeavor, there are few organizations who are focusing on quality of life TODAY. Rock Steady Boxing aims to improve the quality of life for people living with Parkinson’s, until a cure is found.