Permanent Court Time Application • PCT renewal is non-refundable and non-cancellable. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required for each PCT. • Changes to this form can be made until July 31st. There will be a $50 charge for each change made after July 31st. • If a player drops from a PCT, they remain responsible for their portion of the court time costs for the remainder of our indoor tennis season. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀o The player may find a replacement, acceptable to the captain, to assume a player’s place, including all remaining court costs, OR ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀o The Captain may choose to divide the player’s court costs among the remaining PCT players. • Seniors, 65 & older will receive a 15% discount on their portion of the PCT only if senior their status is noted on this form. • All PCT players must have a current one-year membership to The Tennis and Fitness Centre to participate in PCTs. • Holidays: All Permanent Court Time reservations and charges are excluded from holidays. There are no PCT reservations scheduled for the following holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve (after 5PM), New Year’s Day and Easter Sunday. By initialing, the PCT Captain acknowledges that he/she has read and agrees to the terms listed above: * Day of the Week * Note: Each PCT day requires a separate contract Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Number of Courts for PCT * 1 2 3 4 Court Preference - Would you like to reserve a specific court? *Court preference subject to availability Court #1 Court #2 Court #3 Court #4 Court #5 Court #6 Court #7 Court #8 Same Court & Time as 2021-2022? * No Yes Start Time * End Time * Add a ball plan for an additional $6/week Number of Players * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Member 1 * First Name Last Name Date of Birth * Member is 65+ What percent of the total will this member pay? * Member 2 First Name Last Name Date of Birth Member is 65+ What percent of the total will this member pay? Member 3 First Name Last Name Date of Birth Member is 65+ What percent of the total will this member pay? Member 4 First Name Last Name Date of Birth Member is 65+ What percent of the total will this member pay? Member 5 First Name Last Name Date of Birth Member is 65+ What percent of the total will this member pay? Member 6 First Name Last Name Date of Birth Member is 65+ What percent of the total will this member pay? Member 7 First Name Last Name Date of Birth Member is 65+ What percent of the total will this member pay? Member 8 First Name Last Name Date of Birth Member is 65+ What percent of the total will this member pay? This agreement is made between The Racquet Club of Oak Park-River Forest, an Illinois limited Partnership d/b/a The Tennis and Fitness Centre of Oak Park-River Forest (TFC), and the Member identified below (Captain), who is responsible for each PCT time shown above. If outstanding PCT payments have not been received in full within 30 days of billing date, in addition to any and all remedies, the PCT discount shall be forfeited, and court fees shall increase to the then-posted Open Court Time Rate for all unpaid court times. The Captain verifies all Players listed above are Members, agrees to the PCT above, will abide by all terms and conditions of the Agreement, and will pay all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred by TFC in enforcing or attempting to enforce any and all of its provisions. By the 1st day of play, all memberships for PCT player must be paid in full. Please notify the TFC immediately of any changes and/or billing errors. Captain's Name * Date * Preferred Phone # * Email * * I Agree to the Above Terms 2022 – 2023 Early Permanent Court Time Agreement 1. All Permanent Court Time (PCT) players must have paid current one-year memberships at The Tennis and Fitness Centre of Oak Park- River Forest (TFC) before their first week of play. PCT is only available to Members in good standing of TFC. If a PCT player's membership terminates during the PCT season, the player forfeits their rights to all TFC privileges, including PCT, but remains responsible for full payment of the PCT. No refunds will be given for PCT, but the terminated Member may sell their remaining PCT to a Member in good standing of TFC. 2. PCT reservations are made for the same time each week during the approximate 38-week Season beginning Tuesday, September 6, 2022 thru Friday, May 26, 2023. This PCT Agreement EXCLUDES billing on the following holidays: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve after 5PM, New Year's Day, and Easter. 3. PCT payments may be paid with a deposit from the Captain of the PCT group and two installments. The deposit is to accompany the application for each group. The first installment will be billed around September 15th and must be paid within 30 days of billing. The second installment will be billed by January 1st and must be paid within 30 days of billing. All fees must be current, and the membership and the first installment of PCT must be paid by October 15th, and the second installment must be paid by February 15th. If either PCT payment is missed, the discount for PCT will be removed for the entire Season. The PCT group will forfeit the privilege to pay in two installments and agrees to pay the full PCT amount for the entire year immediately, along with a $50 service charge and finance charges; all in the sole judgment of TFC. TFC courts may not be used after October 31st or after February 28th unless all amounts for billed PCT have been paid. All PCT amounts, not paid by dates specified, shall be subject to a $25 monthly billing fee and Finance Charges on the amount due at compounded monthly periodic rate of 1.5% from the date due (Annual Percentage Rate of approximately 19.6%). Failure to comply with the payment schedule within 30 days of billing date may result in suspension and/or cancellation of Membership and/or PCT cancellation without notice. TFC may also bill the other players listed on this PCT contract for past due funds of the late/non-paying player. All Players listed in the PCT Group are responsible for all uncollected funds of their PCT. In addition to other remedies stated herein and other rights the Club shall have, the Club reserves the right to: 1) Collect the current and past due balance in any subsequent month; 2) Collect the entire balance due for any fee, service, and program immediately; 3) At any time, including immediately, suspend all Club Usage of Member; and 4) Recover from Member any collection fees, attorney fees, usage fees, and court costs as allowed by law. TFC reserves the right to all additional remedies as provided by law. 4. Through July 15th, 2022 (renewal holding date), PCT for the 2022-2023 Season will be offered in the following order/priority: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀a. 2021-2022 Season PCT holders requesting renewal of their same PCT ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀b. Existing Member requesting new or additional PCT times ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀c. New Member of TFC. 5. Requests for new or additional PCTs are scheduled, after July 31st, in the order received at TFC. 6. TFC reserves the right to assign any court to each PCT group and adjust PCT courts and times. If a requested PCT is unavailable, TFC will substitute another available time, beyond which TFC will have no other responsibility or liability. 7. This PCT agreement must be filled out completely and signed by the Captain of each group and include the names of all players in each group. Changes occurring after this application must be immediately reported to TFC by the Captain, and the Captain agrees to promptly pay all fees uncollected by TFC from guests and the group. 8. The captain of each group must be a fully paid 2022 -2023 Season Member of the Centre by July 15, 2022 and submit this completed form with a non-refundable deposit of $50.00 per court reservation. 9. PCT reservations are for the entire season ending May 26, 2023. PCT cannot be cancelled during the Season without written approval from TFC. If approval of a cancellation is granted by TFC, payment for all past playing dates along with a $100 service charge will be billed equally among PCT players. All deposit will be forfeited to TFC. 10. Any changes to the PCT contract must be submitted by July 31st. After this date, the Captain will be charged $50.00 per change. To avoid this fee, the Captain may "settle up" the PCT costs between the group members, and each billed PCT Group member shall make their billed payment(s) to TFC. 11. If PCT holders wish to sell their court time for any week, the Captain should notify TFC as far in advance as possible. TFC must be notified and asked to "sell" the court, and court must be sold at the full rate (Jr. Walk-on rates are not full rate) for the holders to be credited for their billed court time, less a $5.00 charge per occurrence. 12. Substitute Player (‘SUB’) for a PCT group must be Members of the Centre and in good standing. It's the responsibility of the Member extending the invitation to SUB to verify the Membership status of the SUB (please call TFC for verification). A Non-Member may be a SUB only upon payment of the Guest fee prior to play, and no more than five guest visits are allowed to TFC by any Guest at the reduced Guest Fee rate. Thereafter the full rate of forty dollars ($40) per visit shall apply. Any Guest and any and all Guest privileges may be denied/revoked at any time and without reason by TFC. The Captain of the PCT Group is responsible for immediately paying all charges plus late fees for failure of the Guest to pay all fees in full. All PCT Players must be Members in good standing. By clicking submit, the PCT Captain acknowledges that he/she has read and agrees to the terms listed above. Thank you for your interest in Permanent Court Time, someone will get back to you at the provided email or phone # ASAP!